Korean young girls were dragged by Japanese soldiers, and they were terrible. No retirement in my sights! You warm my heart, Hannah. You can access it for free, here: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/title-page?lang=eng, Hi Philip Though my life was different than yours, there were elements of your story that sparked memories for me. It is Jesus and a relationship with him that matters, not me .I have cared for gay people dying of Aides and welcomed them to use my shower and fed them meals and washed their cloths in my home , I was and I am a very kind man. My all-time favorite is Whats so Amazing about Grace, but recently I read Reaching for the Invisible God again, which caused me to remember that my faith is just that: faith. Lastly knowing that my good deeds doesnt matter, neither in writing or not writing. Religion still ensures regular mayhem with its confusing messages, ITS strategically chosen alias, is something called Christianity Everyone wants to focus on politics. Please advise. Since then Ive always been searching for more and more books of yours. We dealt with this story in church yesterday and I feel I have to defend the Samaritan woman at the well. Thank you. Our stories (and many of the details) are eerily similar. I explained to her how I ordered the book, not knowing who I was going to give it to for Christmas, but all things considered it sure did seem as though God wanted her to have it. The traditional age for creation is 6000 years ago. A delightful response, for which I thank you. "Of course, there were good qualities too. Philip. May you know the God of all comfort, worthy of trust even in those things we cannot comprehend. Therefore, there was no Creation , Eden, Adam and Eve, Fall of Man, Noahs Ark, or Tower of Babel. Annie Dillard and Henri Nouwen have also brought inspiration and encouragement. Im 23, a recent college grad, and Ive been telling my friends that youre my favorite author since high school, when I first read Whats So Amazing About Grace. This continues to haunt me for some reason and I am continuing to pray for him. I marvel at the apparent freedom God has given us, to choose for or against Truth. I no longer feel like I fit in that culture, but your books still speak to me, and I hear the gospel in them as much as I did way back when. While the customer support person was helping me he asked several questions about the book. But, all that was needed was the required wider exit. I am in the early stages of a memoir-like writing project which will engage the topic of faith in the midst of trial. But, Atlanta has changed so much that I live an hour or so away (just far enough!). Anyway, I really enjoy your books and your devotional is one of two that I read every day, along with my Bible. Im proud and thankful to say I knew you when as I have watched, read and listened through all these years . I wonder what Bannon now is doing and if there is any way to contact him. In regard to abortion and homosexuality, these are symptoms of a huge cultural and moral decay in our country, but judgmental Christians are crucifying the sinner, not the sin! This amplified the discomfort I have been feeling for many years about the emphasis of evangelicalism on a personal relationship and emotional experiences with God that I simply could not relate to, as much as I wanted to. Your beautiful books had been recommended too many times by my friends to read.. Learn more about Philip Yancey. I dont seem to feel much sympathy from other Christians and John Stotts comments have not helped in this respect I just feel more alienated. The contents had not changed. She had amazing spiritual insight and was keen to evangelise her community. Recently I did complete it and I put it online for free (www.trippingup.net). A desire perhaps to improve his life and avoid his exhausting work. Thankfully, that situation is somewhat better now, but oh, how people love to gossip. In January of 2017, an inmate gave me a very large envelope to take to V and C for mailing. I understand quite frankly that this is an emotional appeal, Mr. Yancey, but if these circumstances dont warrant it, Im not really sure what does. I would appreciate hearing from you with respect to that book! Few months before, my mother-in-law illness finally was cured. I found out later that Pauls brother Marc had attended Prairie Bible College in Three Hills, Alberta, some 30 years earlier. Wanting to avoid confrontation, I told Spilsby that he could keep the couch since it was old and dirty and in need of replacing anyway. There was a time about 12 years ago when I could not read the Bible, for reasons I dont have time for here. Since coming to Alberta as a chaplain 29 years ago, I have on many occasions reported the verbal, sexual and physical abuse of such people around me and under my care. If the conclusion of commandments is love, then is forgiveness the conclusion of salvaton? Yancey on contemplative prayer, quoting Meister Eckhart: "The quieter the mind," wrote Meister Eckhart, "the more powerful, the worthier, the deeper, the more telling and more perfect the prayer is." (For God's Sake, Christianity Today) Yancey: On Homosexuality. I want to be more like Jesus, I want to react as He would. I asked him to return it to my office, and also told Paul about it when he returned. Then we have the darkside, and what beliefs and fuels them, the whispers from the void that quell the light. Its had a large imprint on my life. Thank you for your ministry (writing these books: Whats so Amazing, Prayer, Does it make difference?, Where is God when it hurts and The Jesus I never knew) which I just encountered when I started in seminary 2 years ago. After reading Whats So Amazing About Grace for the first time, I wrote a short devotional about it for my churchs Lenten devotional book written by members of the congregation. You might not want people to see you wiping your eyes and reflecting on your own shortcomings and repentance. I put it next to Mere Christianity as a must read for old believers. We must connect because weve traveled such similar paths. Do you know the source of this belief? . Diabolically crafted as a mere language construct to fool humanity This is so well-expressed. Dear Brother Philip, I grew up as an adoptee in a Mennonite Brethren Church. Im responding to your encouragement that we should follow the example of our Lord in forgiving when he prayed for his crucifiers, Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. Although this prayer reveals that the heart of Jesus was full of forgiveness at that moment (a wondrous thing! All I could think of was, I think Ive read some of your books. Yes, I said those words. A lot of Christians grew up learning that if you quoted a Bible verse, that was enough. During one of those calls he said, You told me you blew up at an inmate, and that sometimes you need to blow up at inmates. Youre right: this world is broken, badly. Philip. Just an observation of Jesus message in his parables about the undeserving, contrasted with his strong words against the Pharisees for their legalism. Its sane, reflective, and creative. Thank you for your consideration. them. Our ultimate goal is to be resurrected and live in Gods Kingdom on earth (remember the Lords prayer Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. I was just wondering what your thinking is on this? It really is an honour to communicate with you! SO.. About the author (1996) Philip Yancey is a journalist and writer who writes a featured column in Christianity Today. Brian Harder, the Bridges of Canada manager called to confront me about this, and got very upset and rude and to me. Together or individually, it doesnt matter. FYIO, Ill give here one good source for checking the numbers. One thing that occurred to me (probably way too simplistic, but . I have tried to fit-in with a local church for 9 years, but have recently left because I found no real warmth, or friendship there, even though I was a steward for a number of years and was involved with making coffee on the church rota. Phyllis. I am so blessed for having read your book In His Image I was in Nursing School when I read it and it was such a blessing. Philip. their reasons are either personal (because they were going to see some friends not for listening the word of God) or unclear (they just dont go because they think the church is boring or not full-of-soul and one of them was telling me Yancey said its fine with Christianity not to go to church another said Im not afraid when I meet God tell him it wasnt ok with those churchs! ) Disappointment with God was an understatement and my world was changed. PS as a fellow Coloradan enjoyed your post on elk mating season this morning. Hi David, Philips blog assistant here, it was written by Lee Strobel in his book The Case for Grace. I have called, cried and prayed over and over again and still nothing has happened. They directed us to work with four senior Lawyers to defend his case, flew regularly to the city where Dad was being charged. Look again. Im thankful. (With Paul Brand) Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1980. I have not heard that criticism before, so I must (accurate, in this case) look into that. Frankly we could use the tourism considering the nightmare our lawmakers have just created. Hi! The Regional Chaplain for CSC kept promising me a contract over and over again, but after one year it still had not materialized. Lewis, aside from perhaps The Screwtape Letters which I enjoyed and was insightful, I couldnt seem to get through his superbly high language, especially his non fiction works. I have been struggling with my life. Ive seen interviews in which he broke down in tears speaking of Jesus, and another in which he paused quite some time before answering that, No, he did not believe in Jesus bodily resurrection. But I also knew that no one who openly challenged Cardinal Ratzingers doctrine of homosexuality could survive as a pastor or theologian. I liken him to one of the philosophers Paul addressed so wisely in Acts 17only, of course, Peterson is already familiar with the Christian story. Thank you for your challenging and engaging style of writing.N. And yet, I turned to Him still. It really resonated with me when you spoke about disappointment with God being associated with the difference between the Jesus you learned about growing up in Sunday School and then the Jesus You Never Knew. Lewis and St. Augustine. However, in Chapter 12, page 159 you write The secret to keeping company with God will likely not be found in a new set of tapes, another book, a different preacher, a weekend seminar. I agree. At the time, I thought he was right. While reading Whats So Amazing About Grace? God impressed on me to teach and write about forgiveness. I wanted to thank you for speaking at our church, Southeast Christian in Parker, a few weeks ago. The good news is I finally got around to reading and finishing the book and I have become a huge fan. As I often say, If I were God, I wouldnt have turned over the mission to the likes of us. This is what the little girl recalled. Its the easy way to try to sell a book because who wants to hear the true gospel that requires sacrifice and calls for repentance? Philip. I am sorry to bother you, and you must have answeared this question a lot of times. I went to a priest I knew In PEI , it was there I met some american christians who came up to me in a coffee shop where I was using the free internet. I understand! Several years back I began reading them and they changed much of what I believe not only about eschatology but Scripture as a whole. We are going to use this book with our High School student Bible Study next semester and are looking for one. To protect copyrights, the e-publisher tags the origin country and keeps this from happening. Some of my children are far from the faith, some former colleagues have pointed out I am disqualified from ministry, yet today I can still smile. Encyclopedia.com. I have heard of you, as both of my parents view you as one of their favorite authors. When I first read Disappointment With God, I hid the cover of it when I was reading on the subway or in public, scared people would get the wrong idea about me. God bless you , For first books, I would recommend The Jesus I Never Knew and Whats So Amazing About Grace. Enjoy! Neither sources nor archives are sufficient. I am currently working as a teacher and it is really tricky to keep teenagers focus. What a grace-filled note, Greg. I had invited Brian Harder to participate so there would be no questioning by him as to what it was about. Lewis Since then, Paul hated evangelical Protestants. Every one of these leaders told me to keep quiet about it or I would lose my job. Nothing came of it. Why did people flock to Jesus? Lewis I chose to remain behind to conduct two pre-scheduled chapel services because there had been no chapel services recently due to a series of lock-downs. Where Is God When It Hurts?, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1977, revised edition, Walker and Co. (New York, NY), 1996.
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